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The most important thing is to find a balance between readability, predictability, cohesion, and coupling. Especially, cohesion can conflict with other values. Developers need to determine which value is more important for the specific situation ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

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Clear Names for Complex Conditions

Complex conditions in code can be hard to read. Felienne Hermans said in her book 'The Programmer's Brain' that we can remember only 6 things at once. So, dividing complex conditions into smaller ones can help us understand the code better. Let's see an example. ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

From React to Retool: A Brief Migration Story

I recently completed the migration of our admin page from React to Retool. Retool is a SaaS tool that makes building admin panels much easier. As a software engineer ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

Why Does English Add an 's' to Third Person Singular Verbs?

Why does English add an 's' to verbs in the third person singular, such as 'he runs', 'she finds', or 'it changes'? This distinctive feature of English grammar can be traced back to its historical roots. ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

How imposter syndrome stops me from learning

Imposter syndrome is when someone feels anxious because they believe their success comes from external factors, not their own abilities. ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

Lessons Learned from Playing the Piano and Making Mistakes

It's been a long time since I started learning something new. Also, I haven't felt like a beginner in a quite a while. ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

Today's Error Insight : useHistory versus useNavigate in React Router

Today, I encountered an error due to the transition from `useHistory` to `useNavigate` in React Router v6. Often, I find myself reaching for `useHistory` out of habit. ...

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang

Build Blog with Next.js in 5 Minutes!

Want to get your blog off the ground but pressed for time? With Next.js and a handy template, you're just 5 minutes away from going live. Here's your quick start guide.

Doyun Hwang
Doyun Hwang